Seznam projektů




Identifikační kód Název   ^   v Období realizace   ^   v
GA17-12166S Fungování arbuskulární mykorhizní symbiózy při nedostatku vody v půdě 2017 - 2019
TÜBITAK/14/014 Fungal root symbioses in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica along the coast of Turkey 2015 - 2016
TÜBITAK/14/014 Fungal root symbioses in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica along the coast of Turkey 2015 - 2016
P505/12/1296 Functional species pools: shedding light on the ‘dark diversity’ and its functions 2012 - 2016
Functional diversity of belowground plant strategies in a rapidly changing world (sUnderfoot) 2022 - 2024
200909EU-HimFunDiff Functional differentiation in response to environmental variability in two contrasting shrub line species of high-altitude Himalaya 2021 - 2023
Functional differentiation in response to environmental variability in two contrasting shrub line species of high-altitude Himalaya 2021 - 2023
Formalised classification of the semi-natural grassland vegetation of the Czech Republic 2002 - 2004
Formalised classification of the semi-natural grassland vegetation of the Czech Republic 2002 - 2004
GA206/02/0957 Formalised classification of the semi-natural grassland vegetation of the Czech Republic 2002 - 2004
FORest MAnagement Scenarios for Adaptation and Mitigation (FORMASAM) 2018 - 2020
FORest MAnagement Scenarios for Adaptation and Mitigation (FORMASAM) 2018 - 2020
Faktory určující asymetrii kompetice ve společenstvech vytrvalých rostlin: všudypřítomné ale netestované 2023 - 2025
GA17-09979S Faktory determinující sukcesi v měřítku České republiky 2017 - 2019
GA17-09979S Faktory determinující sukcesi vegetace v měřítku České republiky 2017 - 2019
Factors influencing succession on disturbed stands, source of diaspores vs. stands conditions 2002 - 2004
Factors influencing succession on disturbed stands, source of diaspores vs. stands conditions 2002 - 2004
22-11456S Exploring fundamental interactionof hydrodynamic cavitation with low-temperature plasma to enhance the disinfection effects 2022 - 2024
Expansion of woody plant species into alpine tundra – landscape interactions with global change 2017 - 2018
Evropský agregát Pinus mugo - podíl diferenciace a hybridizace na utváření současné variability 2005 - 2007