Seznam publikací



Baldassare Švecová E., Frantík T., Mrnka L., Schmidt C. S., Vosátka M., Bárnet M., Pluhař P. & Mráz J.: Ověřená technologie výroby peletizovaného osiva máku..
Bitterlich M,, Jansa J., Graefe J., Pauwels R., Sudová R., Rydlová J. & Püschel D. 2024: Drought accentuates the role of mycorrhiza in phosphorus uptake, part II – The intraradical enzymatic response. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 193, 1 - 8.
Buchbauerová L., Aderstani M. M., Rydlová J., Veselá H. & Frouz J. 2024: Establishment of nitrogen-fixing Frankia, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and their efects on alder (Alnus glutinosa L.) growth in post-mining heap soils. Soil Systems 8, 1 - 11.
Caccia M., Marro N., Novák V., López Ráez J. A., Castillo P. & Janoušková M. 2024: Divergent colonization traits, convergent benefits: different species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alleviate Meloidogyne incognita damage in tomato. Mycorrhiza 34, 145 - 158.
Dostálek J. & Frantík T. 2024: Shifts in the altitudinal distribution of alien and native synanthropic plants along roadsides over a 40-year period. Plant Biosystems 158, 1076 - 1084.
Feng Z., Liu N., Tu P., Zou Y., Vosatka M., Zhao Z., Chen J. & Song H. 2024: Metabolomics analysis of bahia grass (Paspalum notatum) inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi exposed to soil Cd stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 226, 1 - 9.
Fišarová L., Berchová K., Lukáč M., Beesley L., Vosátka M., Hausenblas M. & Trakal L. 2024: Microgranular biochar improves soil fertility and mycorrhization in crop system. Soil Use and Management 40, 1 - 13. doi:10.1111/sum.13068
Fišarová L., Šurinová M., Jarošová A., Krejčík J. & Vosátka M. 2024: Evidence of the Ability of Microsatellite Method to Distinguish Cannabis Strains with High Cannabinoid Content. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 9, 513 - 522. doi:10.1089/can.2022.0272
Fuentes-Quiroz A., Herrera H., Alvarado R., Sagredo-Saez C., Isabel-Mujica M., Vohník M. & Rolli E. 2024: Cultivable root-symbiotic bacteria of a pioneer ericaceous dwarf shrub colonizing volcanic deposits and their potential to promote host fitness. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 24, 3355 - 3363.
Gajdošová Z., Caboň M., Kolaříková Z., Sudová R., Rydlová J., Turisová I., Turis P., Kučera J. & Slovák M. 2024: Environmental heterogeneity structures root-associated fungal communities in Daphne arbuscula (Thymelaeaceae), a shrub adapted to extreme rocky habitats. Molecular Ecology 33, 1 - 18. doi:10.1111/mec.17441
Janoušková M. 2024: Spojenci pod zemí. Přírodově 13, 22 - 23.
Kohout P., Sudová R., Odriozola I., Kvasničková J., Petružálková M., Hadincová V., Krahulec F., Pecháčková S., Skálová H. & Herben T. 2024: Accumulation of pathogens in soil microbiome can explain long-term fluctuations of legumes in a grassland community. New Phytologist 244, 235 - 248. doi:10.1111/nph.20031
Kolaříková Z. & Skřivánek J. 2024: Největší světová databáze výskytu arbuskulárních mykorhizních hub. Živa 72, 321 - 323.
Matinizadeh M., Nouri E., Bayranvand M., Kolaříková Z. & Janoušková M. 2024: Arbuscular mycorrhiza and rhizosphere soil enzymatic activities as modulated by grazing intensity and plant species identity in a semi-arid grassland. Rhizosphere 30, 1 - 10. doi:10.1016/j.rhisph.2024.100893
Mrnka L., Baldassarre Švecová E., Frantík T., Vosátka M., Hanika J., Šolcová O., Rousková M., & Šabata S. 2024: Repelentní prostředky pro ochranu lesních porostů, ovocných stromů a keřů a okrasných dřevin proti okusu a ohryzu spárkatou zvěří na bázi zbytkového materiálu po kyselé hydrolýze kuřecího peří..
Mrnka L., Schmidt C. S., Baldassarre Švecová E., Vosátka M. & Frantík T. 2024: Impact of legume intercropping on soil nitrogen and biomass in hybrid poplars grown as short rotation coppice. Biomass and Bioenergy 182/2024, 1 - 8.
Püschel D., Rydlová J., Sudová R., Jansa J. & Bitterlich M. 2024: Soil compaction reversed the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on soil hydraulic properties. Mycorrhiza 34, 361 - 368.
Vincent B., Bourillon J., Gotty K., Boukcim H., Selosse M. A., Cambou A., Damasio C., Voisin M., Boivin S., Figura T., Nespoulous J., Galiana A., Maurice K. & Ducousso M. 2024: Ecological aspects and relationships of the emblematic Vachellia spp. exposed to anthropic pressures and parasitism in natural hyper-arid ecosystems: ethnobotanical elements, morphology, and biological nitrogen fixation. Planta 259, 1 - 18.
Vohník M. & Josefiová J. 2024: Novel epiphytic root-fungus symbiosis in the Indo-Pacific seagrass Thalassodendron ciliatum from the Red Sea. Mycorrhiza 34, 447 - 461.
Yagame T., Figura T., Tanaka E., Selosse M-A. & Yukawa T. 2024: Mycobiont identity and light conditions affect belowground morphology and physiology of a mixotrophic orchid Cremastra variabilis (Orchidaceae). Mycorrhiza 34, 19 - 31.