Seznam publikací



Packer J. P., Meyerson L. A., Richardson D. M., Brundu G., Allen W., Bhattarai G. P., Brix H., Canavan S., Castiglione S., Cicatelli A., Čuda J., Cronin J. T., Eller F., Guarino F., Guo W.-H., Guo W.-Y., Guo X., Hierro J. L., Lambertini C., Liu J., Lozano V., Mozdzer T. J., Skálová H., Villarreal D., Wang R. & Pyšek P. 2017: Global networks for invasion science: benefits, challenges and guidelines. Biological Invasions 19, 1081 - 1096. doi:10.1007/s10530-016-1302-3
Paulič R. & Sádlo J. 2017: Hypochaeris maculata - prasetník plamatý. Sborník Jihočeského muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní vědy 57, 20 - 22.
Pergl J., Pyšek P., Bacher S., Essl F., Genovesi P., Harrower C. A., Hulme P. E., Jeschke J. M., Kenis M., Kühn I., Perglová I., Rabitsch W., Roques A., Roy D. B., Roy H. E., Vilà M., Winter M. & Nentwig W. 2017: Troubling travellers: are ecologically harmful alien species associated with particular introduction pathways? NeoBiota 32, 1 - 20. doi:10.3897/neobiota.32.10199
Pyšek P. 2017: Lag phases: theory, data, and practical implications. In: Wilson J. R., Panetta F. D. & Lindgren C. (eds.) Detecting and responding to alien plant incursions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 33 - 36.
Pyšek P., Blackburn T. M., García-Berthou E., Perglová I. & Rabitsch W. 2017: Displacement and local extinction of native and endemic species. In: Vilà M. & Hulme P. E. (eds.), Impact of biological invasions on ecosystem services. Invading Nature - Springer Series in Invasion Ecology vol 12., Springer, Cham, 157 - 175. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45121-3;kapitola 10.1007/978-3-319-45121-3_10
Pyšek P., Chytrý M., Pergl J., Wild J. & Sádlo J. 2017: Plant invasions in the Czech Republic. In: Chytrý M., Danihelka J., Kaplan Z. & Pyšek P. (eds), Flora and vegetation of the Czech Republic, p. 339–398, Springer., 339 - 398.
Pyšek P., Pergl J., Essl F., Lenzner B., Dawson W., Kreft H., Weigelt P., Winter M., Kartesz J., Nishino M., Antonova L. A., Barcelona J. F., Cabezas F. J., Cárdenas D., Cárdenas-Toro J., Castaño N., Chacón E., Chatelain C., Dullinger S., Ebel A. L., Figueiredo E., Fuentes N., Genovesi P., Groom Q. J., Henderson L., Inderjit, Kupriyanov A., Masciadri S., Maurel N., Meerman J., Morozova O., Moser D., Nickrent D., Nowak P. M., Pagad S., Patzelt A., Pelser P. B., Seebens H., Shu W., Thomas J., Velayos M., Weber E., Wieringa J. J., Baptiste M. P. & van Kleunen M. 2017: Naturalized alien flora of the world: species diversity, taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns, geographic distribution and global hotspots of plant invasion. Preslia 89, 203 - 274. doi:10.23855/preslia.2017.203
Ricciardi A., Blackburn T. M., Carlton J. C., Dick J. T. A., Hulme P. E., Iacarella J. C., Jeschke J. M., Liebhold A. M., Lockwood J. L., MacIsaac H. J., Pyšek P., Richardson D. M., Ruiz G. M., Simberloff D., Sutherland W. J., Wardle D. A. & Aldridge D. C. 2017: Invasion science: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and opportunities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32, 464 - 474. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2017.03.007
Ricciardi A., Blackburn T. M., Carlton J. C., Dick J. T. A., Hulme P. E., Iacarella J. C., Jeschke J. M., Liebhold A. M., Lockwood J. L., MacIsaac H. J., Pyšek P., Richardson D. M., Ruiz G. M., Simberloff D., Sutherland W. J., Wardle D. A. & Aldridge D. C. 2017: Invasion science: looking forward rather than revisiting old ground – a reply to Zenni et al. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32, 809 - 810. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2017.08.007
Ricotta C., Rapson G., Asmus U., Pyšek P., Kühn I., La Sorte F. A. & Thompson K. 2017: British plants as aliens in New Zealand cities: residence time moderates their impact on the beta diversity of urban floras. Biological Invasions 19, 3589 - 3599. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1590-2
Roy H. E., Hesketh H., Purse B. V., Eilenberg J., Santini A., Scalera R., Stentiford G. D., Adriaens T., Bacela-Spychalska K., Bass D., Beckmann K. M., Bessell P., Bojko J., Booy O., Cardoso A. C., Essl F., Groom Q., Harrower C., Kleespies R., Martinou A. F., van Oers M. M., Peeler E. J., Pergl J., Rabitsch W., Roques A., Schaffner F., Schindler S., Schmidt B. R., Schonrogge K., Smith J., Solarz W., Stewart A., Stroo A., Tricarico E., Turvey K. M. A., Vannini A., Vila M., Woodward S., Wynns A. A. & Dunn A. M. 2017: Alien Pathogens on the Horizon: Opportunities for Predicting their Threat to Wildlife. Conservation Letters 10, 477 - 484. doi:10.1111/conl.12297
Sádlo J., Vítková M., Pergl J. & Pyšek P. 2017: Ekologická rizika zalesňování zemědělských půd nepůvodními dřevinami – invazní akát jako modelový druh. Prknová H. (ed.): Zalesňování zemědělských půd – produkční a environmentální přínosy II., 20 - 23.
Sádlo J., Vítková M., Pergl J. & Pyšek P. 2017: Towards site-specific management of invasive alien trees based on the assessment of their impacts: the case of Robinia pseudoacacia. NeoBiota 35, 1 - 34. doi:10.3897/neobiota.35.11909
Saul W. C., Roy H. E., Booy O., Carnevali L., Chen H. J., Genovesi P., Harrower C. A., Hulme P. E., Pagad S., Pergl J. & Jeschke J. M. 2017: Assessing patterns in introduction pathways of alien species by linking major invasion data bases. Journal of Applied Ecology 54, 657 - 669. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12819
Seebens H., Blackburn T. M., Dyer E. E., Genovesi P., Hulme P. E., Jeschke J. M., Pagad S., Pyšek P., Winter M., Arianoutsou M., Bacher S., Blasius B., Brundu G., Capinha C., Celesti-Grapow L., Dawson W., Dullinger S., Fuentes N., Jäger H., Kartesz J., Kenis M., Kreft H., Kühn I., Lenzner B., Liebhold A., Mosena A., Moser D., Nishino M., Pearman D., Pergl J., Rabitsch W., Rojas-Sandoval J., Roques A., Rorke S., Rossinelli S., Roy H. E., Scalera R., Schindler S., Štajerová K., Tokarska-Guzik B., van Kleunen M., Walker K., Weigelt P., Yamanaka T. & Essl F. 2017: No saturation in the accumulation of alien species worldwide. Nature Communications 8, 1 - 9. doi:10.1038/ncomms14435
Simberloff D., Meyerson L. A., Pyšek P. & Richardson D. M. 2017: Honoring Harold A. Mooney: citizen of the world and catalyst for invasion science. Biological Invasions 19, 2219 - 2224. doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1498-x
Skálová H. 2017: Šíření ambrozie peřenolisté: co nás nejspíš čeká a jak se můžeme bránit invazi. Živa 65, 18 - 21.
Skálová H., Guo W-Y., Wild J. & Pyšek P. 2017: Ambrosia artemisiifolia in the Czech Republic: history of invasion, current distribution and prediction of future spread. Preslia 89, 1 - 16. doi:10.23855/preslia.2017.001
Strayer D. L., D’Antonio C. M., Essl F., Fowler M. S., Geist J., Hilt S., Jaric I., Johnk K., Jones C. G., Lambin X., Latzka A. W., Pergl J., Pyšek P., Robertson P., von Schmalensee M., Stefansson R. A., Wright J. & Jeschke J. M. 2017: Boom-bust dynamics in biological invasions: towards an improved application of the concept. Ecology Letters 20, 1337 - 1350. doi:10.1111/ele.12822
Štajerová K., Šmilauer P., Brůna J. & Pyšek P. 2017: Distribution of Invasive Plants in Urban Environment Is Strongly Spatially Structured. Landscape Ecology 32, 681 - 692. doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0480-9