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Lukavský, J. 2004: Řasy Černého jezera na Šumavě. Mánek, J. ed. Aktuality šumavského výzkumu II., 116 - 120.
Lukavský J., Bauer J., Kaštovská K., Lederer F. & Šmilauer P. 2004: Phytobentos of streams in the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest underdifferent human impacts. Silva Gabreta 10, 45 - 78.
Lukavský J., Furnadjieva S. & Ditrtt F. 2004: Toxicita potenciálních polutantů (TCE, Hg) v povodí D. Orlice. - Sborník Konf. Orlicko-Kladsko 23.-24.9.2004, p.79-84, Jablonné n.N. Sborník Konf. Orlicko-Kladsko 23.-24.9.2004, p.79-84, Jablonné n.N., 79 - 84.
Lukavský, J., Furnadjieva, S. et Dittrt, F. 2004: Toxicita potenciálních polutantů (TCE, Hg) v povodí D.Orlice. Sborník Konf. Orlicko-Kladsko 23.-24.9.2004, 79 - 84.
Mataloni G. & Komárek J. 2004: Gloeocapsopsis aurea, a new subaerophytic cyanobacterium from maritime Antarctica. Polar Biology 27(10), 623 - 628.
Rajaniemi P., Hoffmann L., Willame R., Komárek J., Hrouzek P., Kaštovská K. & Sivonen K. 2004: Phylogenetic and morphological evaluation of selected planctic nostocalean cyanobacteria: taxonomic consequences. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 60 - 60.
Rejmánková E., Komárek J. & Komárková J. 2004: Cyanobacteria – a neglected component of biodiversity: patterns of species diversity in inland marshes of northern Belize (Central America). 10, 189 - 199.
Ventura S., Hrouzek P., Lukešová A., Mugnai M.A., Turicchia S. & Komárek J. 2004: Diversity of soil Nostoc strains: phylogenetic and morphological variability. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 71 - 71.
Via-Ordorika L., Fastner J., Kurmayer R., Hisbergues M., Dittmann E., Komárek J., Erhard M. & Chorus I. 2004: Distribution of microcystin-producing and non-microcystin-producing Microcystis sp. in European freshwater bodies: detection of microcystins and microcystin genes in individual colonies. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 27, 592 - 602.
Willame R., Boutte C., Grubisic S., Wilmotte A., Komárek J. & Hoffmann L. 2004: Genotypic and phenotypic systematic of Belgian, French and Luxembourgish freshwater cyanobacterial strains. In: Hoffmann L. (ed.) 16th Symposium of the International Association for Cyanophyte Research, Abstracts, CRP Gabriel Lippmann, Luxembourg, 73 - 73.
Zachleder V., Kawano S., Cepák V. & Kuroiwa T 2004: The effect of nalidixic acid on growth and reproductive events in nucleocytosolic and chloroplast compartments in the alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. 49(4), 441 - 451.
2003: Proceedings 15th Symposium IAC, Barcelona 2001. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 615 - 615.
Day J.G., Elster J. & Lukavský J. 2003: The use of cryopreservation to develop a European scientific and biotechnological resource: The COBRA project. In: Lima N. & Smith D. eds: Biological Recource Centres and the Use of Microbes, 309 - 320.
Elster J., Stibal M. & Kaštovská K. 2003: Svalbard - mezinárodní centrum výzkumu Arktidy. Živa 6, 262 - 264.
Komárek J. 2003: Coccoid and Colonial Cyanobakteria. In: Wehr J.D., Sheath R.G ed., Freshwater of North America, Academic Press, San Diego, 59 - 116.
Komárek J. 2003: Planktic oscillatorialean cyanoprokaryotes (short review according to combined phenotype and molecular aspects). Hydrobiologia 502, 367 - 382.
Komárek J., Kling H., Komárková J. 2003: Filamentous Cyanobacteria. In: Wehr J., Sheath R.G. ed., Freshwater algae of North America, Academic Press, San Diego, 117 - 196.
Lederer F & Lukavský J. 2003: Řasy Šumavy. Šumava, příroda, historie, život. Nakl.Baset Praha, 185 - 190.
Scheffler, W., Houk, V. & Klee, R. 2003: Morphology, morphological variability and ultrastructure of Cyclotella delicatula HUSTEDT (Bacillariophyceae) from Hustedt material. Diatom Research 18(1), 107 - 121.
2003: Bišová K., Hendrychová J., Cepák V., Zachleder V. (2003): Cell growth and division processes are differentialy sensitive to cadmium in Scenedesmus quadricauda. Folia Microbiologica 48(6), 805 - 816.