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2002: Pyšek, P. - Kučera, T. - Jarošík, V. Plant species richness of nature reserves: the interplay of area, climate and habitat in a central European landscape. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 11, 279-289 (2002)..
2002: Pyšek, P. - Sádlo, J. - Mandák, B. Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia, 74, 97-186 (2002)..
2001: Bímová, K. - Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. Experimental control of Reynoutria congeners: a comparative study of a hybrid and its parents. In: Plant invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem management. - (Ed. Brundu, G.; Brock, J.; Camarda, I.; Child, L.; Wad..
2001: Bímová K., Mandák B. & Pyšek P. (2001): Experimental control of Reynoutria congeners: a comparative study of a hybrid and its parents. – In: Brundu G., Brock J., Camarda I., Child L. & Wade M. (eds.), Plant invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem m..
2001: Mandák B. & Bímová K. (2001): Nový druh jihoafrického starčku v České republice – Senecio inaequidens (A new species of the South African ragwort in the Czech Republic – Senecio inaequidens). – Zpr. Čes. Bot. Společ, Praha, 36: 29–36..
2001: Mandák B. & Prach K. (2001): Cycloloma atriplicifolia – a new adventive species for Hungary. – Preslia, Praha, 73: 153–160..
2001: Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. Fruit dispersal and seed banks in Atriplex sagittata: the role of heterocarpy. Journal of Ecology, 89, [-] 159-165 (2001)..
2001: Mandák, B. - Pyšek, P. The effects of light quality, nitrate concentration and presence of bracteoles on germination of different fruit types in the heterocarpous Atriplex sagittata. Journal of Ecology, 89, [-] 149-158 (2001)..
2001: Prach, K. - Bartha, S. - Joyce, C. B. - Pyšek, P. - van Diggelen, R. - Wiegleb, G. Prach, K. - Bartha, S. - Joyce, C. B. - Pyšek, P. - van Diggelen, R. - Wiegleb, G. The role of spontaneous vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration: A perspective..
2001: Prach, K. - Pyšek, P. - Bastl, M. Spontaneous vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats: A pattern across seres. Spontaneous vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats: A pattern across seres. Applied Vegetation Science, 4, 83-88 (2001)..
2001: Prach, K. - Pyšek, P. Using spontaneous succession for restoration of human-disturbed habitats: experience from Central Europe. Ecological Engineering, 17, 55-62 (2001)..
2001: Pyšek, P. Bolševník velkolepý - Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier et Levier. In: Rostlinné invaze. - (Ed. Pyšek, P.; Tichý, L.). - 1.Brno, Rezekvítek 2001. - S. 16-18..
2001: Pyšek, P. Co s nimi? In: Rostlinné invaze. - (Ed. Pyšek, P.; Tichý, L.). - 1.Brno, Rezekvítek 2001. - S. 14-16..
2001: Pyšek, P. - Krahulec, F. Důsledky rostlinných invazí. In: Rostlinné invaze. - (Ed. Pyšek, P.; Tichý, L.). - 1.Brno, Rezekvítek 2001. - S. 10-14..
2001: Pyšek, P. Které biologické vlastnosti usnadňují invazi rostlinných druhů? Zprávy České Botanické Společnosti, 18, [-] 21-30 (2001)..
2001: Pyšek, P. - Mandák, B. - Francírková, T. - Prach, K. Persistence of stout clonal herbs as invaders in the landscape: a field test of historical records. In: Plant invasions: Species ecology and ecosystem management. - (Ed. Brundu, G.; Brock, J.; Camar..
2001: Pyšek P., Mandák B., Francírková T. & Prach K. (2001): Persistence of stout clonal herbs as invaders in the landscape: a field test of historical records. – In: Brundu G., Brock J., Camarda I., Child L. & Wade M. (eds.), Plant invasions: Species eco..
2001: Pyšek, P. - Mandák, B. Křídlatka japonská, k. sachalinská a k. česká - Reynoutria japonica Houtt., R. sachalinensis (F.Schmidt) Nakai, R. bohemica Chrtek et Chrtková. In: Rostlinné invaze. - (Ed. Pyšek, P.; Tichý, L.). - 1.Brno, Rezekvítek 20..
2001: Pyšek, P. Past and future of predictions in plant invasions: a field test by time. Diversity and Distributions, 7, [-] 145-151 (2001)..
2001: Pyšek P., Prach K., Joyce C. B., Mucina L., Rapson G. L. & J. Müllerová (2001) (eds.): The role of vegetation succession in ecosystem restoration. – Appl. Veget. Sci. 4: 1–114. [2]..