If you are interested in these topics, please contact your potential supervisor on the e-mails listed.
Jan Altman, jan.altman@ibot.cas.cz
- Tropical cyclone reconstruction and their impact on forest ecosystems
- Dendroclimatology and dendroecology with focus on East Asia, Europe, but possibly also other parts of the World
Jitka Klimešová, jitka.klimesova@ibot.cas.cz
- Longevity of belowground plant organs and ecosystem services
- Plants investments into clonal growth
Jana Martínková, jana.martinkova@ibot.cas.cz
- Effect of disturbance on strategies and functional traits of herbs
Ondřej Mudrák, ondrej.mudrak@ibot.cas.cz
- Restoration of species-rich meadows by regional seed mixtures: Why are some species unsuccessful?